2 Little Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2. D02 WK71

+353 1 805 8053

Fitzwilliam House, 4 Pembroke Street Upper, Dublin 2.
+353 1 805 8053

Ballycullen Green

Continuing on from the success of Dodderbrook Phase 1, Leading Edge are delighted to announce the completion of Ballycullen Residential Scheme development by Old Court Investments Ltd. Leading Edge were engaged as Asset Managers by Bain Capital on this development. Ballycullen Green is an attractive single family housing scheme consisting of 78 units with a mix of 3 & 4 bedroom semi-detached & detached houses situated with an impressive backdrop of the Dublin mountains as well as unobstructed views of Dublin city. The development was completed in mid-2019.


Bain Capital



Construction Value


Project Address

Ballycullen Green, Oldcourt, Co. Dublin

Let's Talk About Your Project