2 Little Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2. D02 WK71

+353 1 805 8053

Fitzwilliam House, 4 Pembroke Street Upper, Dublin 2.
+353 1 805 8053

Dodderbrook Residential development (Phase 2)

Continuing on from the success of Dodderbrook Phase 1, Leading Edge are delighted to announce the completion of the Dodderbrook Phase 2 development by Old Court Investments Ltd. Leading Edge were engaged as Asset Managers by Bain Capital on this development.

The development consists of 133 traditionally constructed 3 & 4 bedroom detached, semi-detached and terraced homes as well as a number of 2 bed apartments and a crèche. Phase 2 works commenced in April 2018 and completed in 2020.

Dodder Park phase 2


Bain Capital



Construction Value


Project Address

Dodderbrook, Ballycullen, Dublin 24

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