2 Little Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2. D02 WK71

+353 1 805 8053

Fitzwilliam House, 4 Pembroke Street Upper, Dublin 2.
+353 1 805 8053

Kildare Town Primary Care Centre

The Kildare Town Primary Care Centre is located at the appropriately named Hospital Road in Kildare. The facility consists of a 36,000 square feet three storey building with adjacent surface car parking. The building is occupied by the Health Service Executive, a General Practitioner Practice and a Pharmacy.

Leading Edge’s role involved the procurement and management of the Design Team and the Main Contractor, in addition to overall responsibility for programme, cost and quality. Leading Edge also assisted the Client in raising development finance, tax planning and legals.

This project commenced on site in September 2014 and was completed in November 2015.


Chill Dara Primary Care



Construction Value


Project Address

Hospital Road, Kildare Town.

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