2 Little Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2. D02 WK71

+353 1 805 8053

Fitzwilliam House, 4 Pembroke Street Upper, Dublin 2.
+353 1 805 8053

Newbridge Primary care

The Newbridge Primary Care Centre is the first Primary Care Centre to be developed by Clarington Primary Care. Located on Station Road and known locally as Áras Sláinte the facility consists of 36,000 square feet in a 3 storey building with adjacent surface car parking. The ground and first floors are occupied by the Health Service Executive and Newbridge Medical and Dental. The third floor is occupied solely by Kildare and Wicklow Education Training Board providing further and adult education services. The facility also includes a Pharmacy which is run by the Mangan Pharmacy Group.

Leading Edge Project Directors manage all aspects of the facility to include rent collection, Facilities Management and year-end financial accounts.


Clarington Primary Care


Planning Lodged

Construction Value


Project Address

Station Road, Newbridge, Co. Kildare

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