Project Description
We are currently acting as the Asset Manager to Bain Capital Partners on the Knockrabo Residential Development in Goatstown which commenced on site in May 2016. Key services we provided include:
- Asset Manager & Project Monitor to development company controlled by Bain Capital
- Assist in drafting a Development Agreement, Design Team Letter of Appointments
- Oversee and agree the Development Works Sum through an open book tender process
- Chair and minute fortnightly Executive Review Meetings
- Chair and minute fortnightly Executive Review Meetings
- Act as QS in relation to Cost Control matters
- Prepare monthly progress/cost reports to enable draw down of development funds
- Perform the role of Project Manager to oversee the preparation of tender drawings and the appointment of a Main Contractor to build 69 Apartments on the site
Project Address
Knockrabo Residential Development,
Goats Town,
South Dublin
Construction Value